Welcome to sign up for Tianchi Big Data Contest (the “Contest”). This Agreement states the terms and conditions of the Contest. Please review this Agreement carefully, especially the terms in bold, including without limitation to the liabilities exemption or restriction clauses to Aliyun (defined hereunder), the restriction of rights clauses to You (also defined hereunder), the Jurisdiction clauses. If you have any queries about the terms of this Agreement, please consult through the public channel of Aliyun Customer Service, and Aliyun will further elaborate and clarify the terms to you. If you do not agree to any part of this Agreement, or if you cannot accurately understand any terms, please refrain from any further actions. Otherwise, you will be deemed to have accepted all of the content and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. At that time, you should not claim that this Agreement is invalid or request to revoke this Agreement on the grounds of not having reviewed this Agreement or not receiving Aliyun's response to your inquiry.
Tianchi Big Data Contest Agreement
Whereas, You voluntarily sign up the Contest, the details of the regulations and the application form of which will be posted on the website https://tianchi.aliyun.com (the “Site”);
Whereas, You may constantly get information and materials (collectively the “Confidential Information”) through the Site from Aliyun and/or Sponsor (the list of Sponsor of the Contest is subject to the Contest announcement displayed on the Site) during the Contest period, therefore, in order to regulate the behavior of the contestants and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, this agreement is hereby formulated.
This Agreement is a legal agreement between contestant (“Contestant” or “You”) and Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. and/or its affiliated companies (“Aliyun” or “We”). Unless You have another written agreement with Aliyun regarding this Contest, our relationship on the Contest is governed by this Agreement.
协议适用范围和更新**Scope of Agreement and Update
This Agreement includes the main text of the Agreement and all rules, notices, announcements, etc. related to the Contest that Aliyun has issued or may issue in the future (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Rules”). All Rules are an integral part of the Agreement and have the same legal effect as the main text of the Agreement. We reserves the right to update or make changes to this Agreement and publish Rules from time to time as necessary. If there are any changes, Aliyun will announce them on the website and will not notify you separately. Your continued participance of the Contest after such changes will indicate your acceptance of such changes.
知识产权及数据保护****Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Data Protection
4.1 参赛者应保证其在大赛过程中所产出的所有研究成果未侵犯任何第三方的知识产权、商业秘密及其他合法权益,如第三方基于此等成果向阿里云及/或阿里云的关联公司及/或大赛举办方提出索赔、诉讼等的,参赛者应承担阿里云由此承担的全部责任及损失。
Contestant represents and warrants that the Derivative Works of Contestant do not infringe or misappropriate any IPR and other rights of third parties in effect at the time of delivery to Aliyun; In the case that there are any claim, action, demand, suit, or proceeding against Aliyun brought by a third party to the extent the Claim is based on a claim that the Derivative Works infringes any Intellectual Property Right of such third party in effect , Contestant shall reimburse Aliyun for all costs and expenses incurred by Aliyun in connection with such Claim.
The IPR of any algorithms, models, and other research results (if any) independently developed by the Contestant during the competition shall be owned by the Contestant in accordance with the applicable law. However, the Contestant hereby does grant to Aliyun a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, free sublicensable (through multiple tiers)license to practice the Contestant IP for any and all purposes.
4.3 为向您提供大赛服务,我们可能会出于赛事运营、赛后回访、工作机会沟通等目的,收集、处理您的必要个人信息,但我们会采取充分的措施保证您的信息安全。如您希望进一步了解,我们如何使用、保护您的个人信息,可以参见《阿里云官网法律声明及隐私权政策》。
To provide you with Contest services, we may collect and process your necessary personal information for the purpose of competition operation, post-competition feedback, job opportunities communication, and other related purposes. However, we will take sufficient measures to ensure the security of your information. If you would like to learn more about how we use and protect your personal information, please refer to the "Aliyun Legal Statement and Privacy Policy".
You agree that all information disclosed or provided by the Aliyun or Sponsor to you, including but not limited to the data, algorithms (if any), models (if any), and code (if any) related to the Contest that are directly provided for you or made available for downloading to you through Tianchi in all phases including the preliminary round and semi-finals of the Contest, the non-public information of the Aliyun or Sponsor of which you become aware, and the information that the Aliyun or Sponsor obtains from any third party and is obliged to keep confidential shall be confidential information, and that you are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of such confidential information. You shall consciously protect the aforementioned confidential information and take all necessary confidentiality measures, and shall not disclose such confidential information to the public or third parties.
To avoid disputes, confidential information does not include information that (a) is or becomes generally available to and known by the public other than as a result of any violation of this Agreement; (b) was in possession of or known by the Participant having no obligation of confidentiality with respect thereto prior to the receipt thereof from the Aliyun or Sponsor; or © is obtained from any third party by the Participant having no obligation of confidentiality with respect thereto.
Aliyun or Sponsor is not liable for the authenticity, applicability, integrity, and rationality of the aforementioned confidential information, nor is it liable for your use of the confidential information.
You warrant that you shall use confidential information only for purposes reasonably contemplated by this Agreement in the specified territory and system according to the Aliyun’s or Sponsor’s requirements, and that you shall not access or use the confidential information in a manner inconsistent with the Aliyun’s or Sponsor’s requirements, nor reverse engineer, decompile, or attempt to derive the source code or underlying information of, the confidential information, nor divulge, disclose, transmit, sell, or transfer to any third, or use for any commercial or other purposes the confidential information in any way.
You warrant that all Contests carried out based on the confidential information provided by the Aliyun or Sponsor are non-profit academic research, and that you shall not sell, transfer, or use for any commercial activities such confidential information or the Contest results or products based on such confidential information, unless otherwise specified herein.
Upon termination of this Agreement, you shall, at the request of the Organizer, return or delete the confidential information provided by the Aliyun or Sponsor, and confirm in writing with the Aliyun or Sponsor such return or deletion.
Your obligation of confidentiality hereunder shall survive the termination of this Agreement. You shall still abide by the confidentiality provisions herein and fulfill your obligation of confidentiality until the Aliyun and Sponsor agree to relieve you from such obligation or the confidential information is no longer confidential.
You shall properly keep the username and password of your Contest account ("Account"), and shall be responsible for the use and loss thereof. In case of any unauthorized use or other security issues of your Account, you shall immediately notify the Aliyun and Sponsor. Your Account shall be used only by yourself, and shall not be transferred, leased, lent, sold, disclosed, or divulged to any third party in any way. You shall properly keep your Account, and take full responsibility for all activities that occur under your Account. If the Aliyun or Sponsor believes, in its judgment, that any abnormal activity occurs under your Account, it may unilaterally suspend or terminate the permission of using your Account to log on to Tianchi or participate in the Contest. If you violate the provisions of this Agreement, the Aliyun or Sponsor may unilaterally disqualify you from participating in the Contest and terminate related permission granted to your Account.
6.违规处理Handling of Violations
You shall participate in the Contest in an honest and fair manner. Aliyun or Sponsor has the right to disqualify any Participant who violates any of the following provisions from participating in the Contest and, if the circumstances are serious, report the violation to the employer of the Participant and take legal action against the Participant.
Use of Account: You are obliged to ensure the authenticity and validity of your Account information, and your Account shall be used only by yourself. It is prohibited to use multiple Accounts in the Contest, and the same Participant must not use multiple Accounts for submission and score-cheating operations. If the Aliyun or Sponsor believes, in its own judgment, that any abnormal activity occurs under your Account or your Account violates the rules for use, the Aliyun or Sponsor may unilaterally suspend or terminate the permission of using your Account to log on to the Contest platform.
Contest results: Participants are prohibited to plagiarize the results of others. If the results submitted by different Participants are highly similar and deemed to involve plagiarism, Aliyun or Sponsor will disqualify the related Participants from participating in the Contest, and their contest results will be invalidated.
Use of data: Data (datasets) provided by the Organizer must be used only in scenarios of the Contest, and use of any data for any other purposes shall be subject to the consent of the Organizer. Any contest data not available for downloading shall not be copied, downloaded, or acquired in any way without the consent of the Organizer. You shall notify the Aliyun of any possible unauthorized access to data immediately after becoming aware of it and actively provide relevant information.
Code sharing: During the Contest, public sharing of any data, model, or code related to the Contest is prohibited without the consent of the Aliyun. After the end of the Contest, you may, in your sole discretion, publicly share any model or code of which you enjoy the intellectual property rights, provided that such public sharing will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights, trade secrets, or other legitimate rights and interests of any third party.
You are obliged to promptly inform the organizing committee of any rule or technical vulnerabilities you have found during your participation in the Contest. The committee will express gratitude to any Participant who provides relevant vulnerability information. However, Aliyun will invalidate the results of any Participant who is found and confirmed to have exploited vulnerabilities in the Contest.
7.1 参赛者违反本协议中承诺、保证条款或义务的任一内容,或阿里云根据其判断认为参赛者的参赛行为存在异常的,阿里云均有权就其情节,根据自己的独立判断并单方采取以下措施中的一种或多种:(1)限制/**中止参赛者参赛;(2)取消参赛者参赛资格,终止本协议;(3)追究参赛者的法律责任;(4)其他阿里云认为适合的处理措施。阿里云依据前述约定采取措施而造成的参赛者损失由参赛者自行承担。**In case any breach by Contestant of its warranties or obligations, Aliyun shall be entitled to take one or more of the following measures based on its independent judgment: (i) suspend/cease the Contestant to participate; and/or (ii) disqualified Contestant from the Contest and terminate the Agreement; and/or (iii) claim reimburse to Contestant; and/or (iv) other legitimate measures. The Contestant shall be responsible for any losses caused by the above-mentioned measures taken by Aliyun.
7.2参赛者承诺:阿里云有权随时对参赛者是否存在违约进行审查,参赛者不可撤销的认可阿里云的违约审查结果及阿里云的证据(包括但不限于阿里云通过技术方式收集的证据等);参赛者违反本协议任一约定导致的阿里云及/或阿里云关联公司及/或大赛举办方的损失均由参赛者予以赔偿。Contestant acknowledge that Aliyun is entitled to audit Your performance in the Contest for the sole purpose of verifying adherence to the terms and conditions hereunder and hereby You irrevocably acknowledge the validity, accuracy and of audit result and the proof provided by Aliyun; Contestant shall reimburse Aliyun and/or its affiliate and/or Sponsor for any loss or damage due to the default of Contestant.
7.3**参赛者同意,阿里云疏于行使、怠于行使权利参赛者同意,阿里云疏于行使、怠于行使权利不得解释为或视为阿里云放弃本协议的权利,也不得以任何方式影响本协议的全部或任何部分的有效性,更不得损害阿里云采取后续行动的权利。**Contestant acknowledge that failure or neglect by Aliyun to enforce at any time any of the provisions hereof shall not be construed nor shall be deemed to be a waiver of Aliyun’s rights hereunder nor in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of this Agreement nor prejudice Aliyun’s rights to take subsequent action.
期限与终止****Term and Termination
8.1 发生下列情形,本协议终止:The Agreement shall terminate in any of the following circumstances:
(1)大赛举办结束或终止;The Contest rounded off or stopped;
(2) 因参赛者参赛成绩排名靠后并按照参赛规则未能入围继续进行比赛的;You score/rank are not high enough to get pass for the subsequent contest;
(3)参赛者违反本协议约定被取消参赛资格的;Your breach of the Agreement goes to such an extent as to disqualify from Contest;
(4)参赛者退赛的;You drop out;
(5)本协议约定的其他终止情形。Other conditions.
8.2 参赛者同意阿里云有权提前7日通过天池平台网站公告或电子邮件等告知参赛者的方式提前终止本次大赛。Contestant acknowledge that Aliyun is entitled to terminate the Contest upon 7 days prior Site announcement or email to You.
9.1 本服务协议及大赛相关的所有事宜均受中华人民共和国(中国香港、中国澳门和中国台湾除外)法律管辖。This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of PRC (except Chinese Hong Kong, Chinese Macao and Chinese Taiwan), without reference or giving effect to any conflict of laws or other principles which would result in the application of a different body of law.
9.2 在执行本服务协议过程中如发生纠纷,双方应及时协商解决。协商不成时,任何一方应向杭州市西湖区人民法院提起诉讼。Both Parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Xihu district, Hangzhou China for any actions or proceedings arising out of or relating to this undertaking and waive any objection we may now or hereafter have to venue or convenience of forum.
10.1 参赛者知悉并同意阿里云或大赛举办方享有与其就参赛作品优先展开进一步合作的权益,具体合作模式由相关方另行协商确定。
Contestant acknowledges and agrees that Aliyun or Sponsor has the right to prioritize further cooperation with them regarding the Contest results, and the specific cooperation model shall be determined by mutual agreement.
10.2若本协议任一条款因违反法律法规而无效或无法履行,则除该无效或无法履行部分以外,本协议的其他部分仍然有效。In the event that any provision of this Agreement is prohibited by any law governing its construction, performance or enforcement, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition without invalidating thereby any of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.
10.3如果任何条款在性质上或其他方面理应地在本协议终止时继续存在,那么应视为继续存在的条款,这些条款包括但不局限于保证条款、保密条款、知识产权条款、法律适用及争议解决条款。The provisions of Sections 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
10.4本协议有中、英两种版本,如二者之间有任何差异,以中文版本为准。This Agreement is prepared in Chinese and English. In case of any conflict between the two language versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.